Seminar 2.2 – The bologna process and principles and academic research from a bologna perspective


This activity consists of 2 seminars on Applying the principles of the Bologna Process to university academic programmes.

These are seminars on the Bologna process and principles in relation to academic research and a subsequent review of the research components, if any, of their Juris Doctor/Bachelor of Laws and Master programs for consistency with the Bologna process.
As one of the Bologna principles is to achieve the incorporation of gender equality in higher education, seminars will also address the issue of how to incorporate gender content into Juris Doctor/Bachelor of Laws and Master programs, which might be done either through a specific subject called “Gender and Law” or specific contents in the syllabus of the law subjects (e.g.: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law …).

It will be  implemented as a series of activities to be held online, in the Philippines in Feb/2023 and in Málaga, which includes:
Session 1: 01-03-2021 to 08-03-2021 (online)
Session 2: February 2023

Session 1 – The bologna process and principles and academic research from a bologna perspective

When1st March/2021 to 8th March/2021
Target AudienceJudges
Law and policy makers
Faculty Professors and students of CALESA partner institutions
Other interested faculty and students of law
ProgrammeDownload the programme here
RegistrationTo be informed
StreamingTo be informed
Outputs1 seminar;
audience of 45 people;
88% of attendees who respond the survey consider the activity as professionally useful and find that its educational content corresponds to the Philippines’ reality;
more than 70% of attendees who respond the survey were satisfied with the event.
Information of the event was provided beforehand to participants.
Speakers● Dr Eugenio Olmedo-Peralta (PhD). Commercial Law Senior Professor. Associate
Vice-President for Teaching and Research Staff Policy and Regulation.
University of Málaga
● Dr Mª Chantal Pérez-Hernández (PhD). English Studies Senior Professor.
Former Vice-President for Degree Studies. University of Málaga.
● Dr Miriam López-Rodríguez (PhD). English Studies Senior Professor. Former
Associate Vice-President for Post-Graduate Studies. University of Málaga.
● Dr. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (PhD). Associate Professor and Vice-Dean NOVA
School of Law. Lisbon.
● Dr. Marian Aláez Martínez (PhD). Economics Senior Professor. Quality
responsible for the Faculty of Law. Deusto University. Spain.
More infoFind out more about the event and its outcomes

Session 2 – Application of the Principles of the Bologna Process to University Academic Programmes

Malcom Theatre, College of Law, UP Diliman

When8 – 12 May 2023
WhereMalcom Theatre, College of Law, UP Diliman
Target AudienceJudges
Law and policy makers
Faculty Professors and students of CALESA partner institutions
Other interested faculty and students of law
ProgrammeDownload the programme of the seminar here
InformationEvent Booklet
Outputs1. Bologna Process: the European Higher Education Area – Prof. Chantal Pérez Hernández
2. Postgraduate Education within the Bologna Process – Prof. Miriam López-Rodríguez
3. Legal Studies in the EU and Spain – Prof. Eugenio Olmedo-Peralta
4. The new Spanish framework for University Studies – Prof. Eugenio Olmedo-Peralta
5. The quality assurance system in European Higher Education: what is beyond the requirement? – Prof. Marian Alaez
SpeakersChancellor Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II
Prof. Ma. Golda Gigi Minoza
Dr. Eugenio Olmedo-Peralta
Dra. Miriam López Rodríguez
Dra. Marian Aláez Martínez
Dra. Ariane Díaz Iso
More InformationWebsite of the event:

Session 1

Session 2

1 thought on “Seminar 2.2 – The bologna process and principles and academic research from a bologna perspective”

  1. Pingback: Activity 2.2 – Seminar on Applying the principles of the Bologna Process to university academic programmes – Calesa Project

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