This seminar is composed of 2 seminar sessions and an International Convention.
Both sessions of the seminar will focus on the Common Framework of Reference for the Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment issued by the European Council in 2001 and recently updated by a Companion volume in 2018 with the idea of disseminating “plurilingualism” and interculturality among its member states.
Sessions will also focus on the Teaching of Spanish as a second language, the language of advertising and close vs. distant reading.
The Convention, on the other hand, will highlight the value of Philippine literature written in Spanish in order to emphasize its connection with the Spanish-speaking community and its relevance in the Asian context.
Session 1 – Languages in the Plurilingual and Pluricultural World: A Conference on the Currents and Use of Spanish, English, Filipino, Chavacano, and Hiligaynonin Selected Domains
Hosted by Ateneo de Zamboanga Univresity and University of San Agustin in Iloilo, with the support of of Universidad de Malaga in Spain
When | From 23 to 25 June 2021 |
Where | Online |
Target audience | Judges Law and policy makers Attorneys Faculty Professors and students of CALESA partner institutions Other interested faculty and students of law |
Programme | Download the programme of the seminar Download the abstracts of the presentations |
Registration | (Access closed) |
Streaming | Daily: Join Zoom Meeting |
Outputs | To be posted (presentations) |
Speakers | Fr. Rene C. Tacastacas, SJ – Vice President for Higher Education, Ateneo de Zamboanga University Dr. Jose Manuel de Torres Perea – Coordinator of the Erasmus + CBHE CALESA Project. Profesor Titular de Derecho Civil Facultad de Derecho, Campus de Teatinos, Universidad de Málaga Dr. Juan Antonio Perles Rochel – Coordinator of the Malaga University Masters in English Studies and Multicultural Communication and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universidad de Malaga, Spain Fr. Antonio de Castro SJ, Ph.D., Professor and Researcher of History,Faculty, Ateneo de Manila University and Ateneo de Zamboanga University Dr. Javier Calle Martín, Researcher and Teacher of History of English and Post-Graduate Studies on Quantitative Linguistics and Research Techniques for Synchronic and Diachronic Studies, Universidad de Malaga, Spain) Dr. Sara Robles Ávila – Teacher, Book Writer, and an International Researcher with Focuses on Literary Works via Linguistics, Advertising, and Teaching and Learning of Spanish as a Second Language, Universidad de Malaga, Spain Prof. Isidoro M. Cruz, Ph.D. – Recipient of National Book Awards and Two-Time First-Prize Palanca Winner for Poetry and Short Story and Secretary of the National Committee on Literary Arts of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts and Faculty, University of San Agustin, Iloilo, Philippines Dr. Mary Ann Jaro, Regional Coordinator for Western Visayas -National Committee on Literary Arts (NCLA) and Faculty, University of San Agustin Robin Atilano De Los Reyes, Ph.D., Researcher and Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, Ateneo de Zamboanga University Dr. Rosario Arias Doblas – Director of the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics, Literature, and Translation and Head of Department of English, French and German, Universidad de Malaga, Spain Dr. Francisco Pineda Castillo – Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the University of Málaga and Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Surrey-Roehampton and Edinburgh (UK), Harvard University (US), and Lund (Sweden) Jorge Lopez Cortina, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish Linguistics, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA Dr. Claribel C. Concepcion, Ph.D. – Research Editor and Faculty of the School of Liberal Arts, Ateneo de Zamboanga University |
More information | Dissemination actions: – Television Broadcast: (minutes 45.56 to 50) – News: |
Session 2 – The Plurilingual Classroom:
A Seminar on Dynamic Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Hosted by the University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, Philippines
When | 27-28 May 2023 |
Where | Hotel Sta. Monica, University of San Agustin – Iloilo, the Philippines |
Target Audience | Judges Law and policy makers Attorneys Faculty Professors and students of CALESA partner institutions Other interested faculty and students of law |
Programme | Download the programme here. |
Registration | Registration at USA |
Streaming | The event can be seen here: |
Outputs | Presentations: 1- A Multimodal approach to SLA – Prof. Francisco Castillo 2 – Varieties of English Worldwide: Philippines English in the context of Asian Englishes – Prof. Javier Calle Martín 3 – STEM, STEAM and Shape: science and technology in contemporary anglophone literature and culture – Prof. Rosario Arias |
Speakers | REV. FR. FREDERICK C. COMENDADOR, O.S.A. – President, University of San Agustin DR. NENELYN D. DE LA FUENTE – Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Education University of San Agustin ATTY. JOSE MARI BENJAMIN F. U. TIROL – Dean, College of Law University of San Agustin DR. JOSE MANUEL TORRES DE PEREA – Coordinator, CALESA Project, Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Málaga MS. MICHELLE R. BAYAUA DR. JUAN ANTONIO PERLES ROCHEL – Dean and Professor of American Literature, Coordinator of the Malaga University Masters in English Studies and Multicultural Communication and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universidad de Malaga, Spain DR. SARA ROBLES ÁVILA – Professor of Spanish Language, Teacher, Book Writer, and an International Researcher with Focuses on Literary Works via Linguistics, Advertising, and Teaching and Learning of Spanish as a Second Language Universidad de Malaga, Spain DR. MA. CECILIA D. ALIMEN DR. FRANCISCO PINEDA CASTILLO – Professor of English Language Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the University of Málaga Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Surrey-Roehampton and Edinburgh (UK), Harvard University (US) and Lund (Sweden) DR. JAMES D. PEDREGOSA DR. JAVIER CALLE MARTÍN – Professor of English Language Researcher and Teacher of History of English and Post-Graduate Studies on Quantitative Linguistics and Research Techniques for Synchronic and Diachronic Studies Universidad de Malaga, Spain PROF. SHARON MARIE AGUIAR DR. ROSARIO ARIAS – Professor of English Literature Director of the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics, Literature, and Translation and Head of Department of English, French and German Universidad de Malaga, Spain DR. ISIDORO M. CRUZ PROF. RHOUNELLA RHANE M. MAGPANTAY |
More information | |

Convention on Philippine Literature in Spanish
When | 2nd – 3rd November 2023. |
Where | Universidad de Málaga – Spain |
Target Audience | Judges Law and policy makers Attorneys Faculty Professors and students of CALESA partner institutions Literature and Language Professors and Researchers Other interested faculty and students of law |
Programme | Infosheet of the event Call for papers Download the programme of the Convetion here |
Registration | International Convention: starts on 10 May 2023 |
Speakers | Jorge Mojarro University of Santo Tomás de Manila Beatriz Álvarez-Tardío Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Rocío Ortuño Universidad de Alcalá, Spain Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium Axel Gasquet Université Blaise Pascal – University Clermont Auvergne, France Enrique Baena Peña Universidad de Málaga, Spain Diego Abad Far Easter University, Philippines Wystan de la Peña University of the Philippines, Philippines Lola Elizalde Lead Researcher of OPIS Sony Corañez Bolton Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA John Blanco University of California, San Diego, USA Antonio Quesada Sánchez Universidad de Málaga, Spain |
More information | KEY INFORMATION Deadline for submission of proposal/summary: 10 May 2023 Notification of acceptance of proposals: 30 May 2023. Deadline for registration: 15 September 2023. Each accepted proposal will require a 20-minute presentation to be given at the event. Accepted papers will be submitted to a blind “peer review” process in order to be published in the CRISOL Journal ( Proposals and inquires about the event should be sent to: |
Dissemination | Webpage of the event: Website 01: Website 02: Website 03: Website 04:–-La-America-espanola.pdf Newspaper: Newspaper 02: Interview: |
Relevant References on the Seminar’s topics
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Consejo de Europa (2002). Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación. Madrid: Secretaría General Técnica del MEC, Instituto Cervantes y Editorial Anaya. (27/03/2020)
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Dell Hymes (1972), On communicative competence, en J.B. Pride y J. Holmes (Eds.) Sociolinguistics. Selected readings (pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Dormal, A. (2008). El enfoque orientado a la acción y su repercusión en el análisis de materiales. (27/03/2020)
Fernández, S. (2011). Nuevos desarrollos y propuestas curriculares. Programar a partir del MCER. Madrid: MarcoELE.
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Martín Peris, E. (2005). La enseñanza de la gramática según el MCER, Carabela, 57, 81-102.
Martínez Salido, B. (2007). ¿Qué significa aprender a través de la acción?, en E. Palo y A. Fernández (Eds.) La enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en Quebec. Actas del CEDELEQ II, 10-13 de mayo de 2007. Montreal: Université de Montreal. Obtenido el 10 de octubre de 2018 desde
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Puren, Ch. (2015). Enfoque comunicativo versus enfoque orientado a la acción social. Les Cahiers du Géres, 7, 104-120.
Ríos Rojas, A. (2014). El proceso de inmersión lingüística y cultural: un nuevo enfoque orientado a la acción a través de la experiencia, en N. M. Contreras Izquierdo (Ed.) La enseñanza del español como LE/L2 en el siglo XXI (pp. 603-614). Granada: Universidad de Granada.
Robles Ávila, S. (2017). Deconstrucción del enfoque orientado a la acción, en AA.VV. La generosidad y la palabra. Estudios dedicados al profesor Jesús Sánchez Lobato (pp. 255-271). Madrid: Sgel.
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Aleza Izquierdo, M (coord.) (2010). Normas y usos correctos en el español actual, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch (col. Prosopopeya).
Demonte, V. (2003). Lengua estándar, norma y normas en la difusión actual de la lengua española, Circunstancia, año I, n.º 1, abril, Madrid, Fundación Ortega y Gasset. (En línea:
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Gómez Torrego, L. (2006). Hablar y escribir correctamente. Gramática normativa del español actual I. Acentuación, Puntuación, Ortografía, Pronunciación, Léxico, Estilo, 2.ª ed., 2007, Madrid, Arco/Libros, S. L.
_____ (2006). Hablar y escribir correctamente. Gramática normativa del español actual II. Morfología y sintaxis, 2.ª ed., 2007, Madrid, Arco/Libros, S. L.
Lázaro Carreter, F. (2005). El nuevo dardo en la palabra, Madrid, Alianza.
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Madrid, Santillana. (Disponible en línea:
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Ducrot, O. (1984): El decir y lo dicho. Polifonía de la enunciación, Barcelona: Paidós.
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Session 1

Session 2
