Seminar 2.1 – Modernization of Criminal Law


This activity consists of 2 seminars on the modernization of Criminal Law. The 2 main goals of this activity are to (1) improve the capacity of participants on the re-elaboration process of Criminal Law courses and (2) to conduct extensive research to provide materials that can server as reference for modification of PH criminal legislation.

It will be implemented as one of a series of activities to be held in the Philippines in June/2022, which includes:
Activity 2.5 – Seminar on Modernization of Commercial Law
Activity 4.4 – 6th Spanish-Filipino Scientific Congress: Modernizing Criminal Law and Private Law. Euro Asia Vision 2022

Seminar on the Modernization of Criminal Law

Philippine Judicial Academy in collaboration with the University of Málaga, NOVA School of Law and University of Deusto

Date6-8 June 2022
WherePHILJA – Philippine Judicial Academy – Tagatay, Philippines
Target audienceJudges and Justices
Law and policy makers
Faculty and students of CALESA partner institutions
Other interested faculty members and students of law
ProgrammeDownload the programme for the seminar 
Registration (closed)
StreamingWatch the vide sessions here
Introduction to thematic sessions
Overview of the Program
Basic Principles of Criminal Law: structure of criminal liability in Spanish criminal law – Prof. José Luis Díez Ripollés.
Evolution of Spanish criminal law: from 1848 Penal Code to 1995 Penal Code, and later reforms – Prof. José Luis Díez Ripollés.
Perpetration and complicity: attempt and inchoate offences. Mitigating and aggravating circunstances – Prof. Maria Soledad Gil Nobajas
Recent Development in Criminal Law in the Philippines – Hon. Mario V. Lopez
Case study on Terrorism – Atty Francis Tom F. Temprosa
Jurisprudential evolution of corruption offences in Spai: before and after the economic crisis – Profa. Marta Fernandéz Cabrera
 Case study on drugs – Prof. Emilio José Armaza Armaza; Profa. María Soledad Gil Nobajas
Case study on Gender – Judge Maria Josefina G. San Juan-Torres
Crimes against public administration: specific consideration of corruption – Prof. Marta Fernandéz Cabrera
Corruption vis-à-vis the Filipino Culture, and the Judiciary’s plan of action . Prof. Maria Filomena D. Singh
Case study on Youth Justice – Arry Tricia Clare A. Oco
Corporate liability ex crimine: EU standards, national solutions and “new” chapters of liability – Profa. Athina Sachoulidou
Criminal Justice Policy and Criminal-Law making policy 
Criminology: overview – Profa. Elisa García-Españha
Criminal Offenses against Property and social economic orders – Prof. Prieto del Pino 
Outputs 2Lectures
1.  Spanish Criminal Law evolution – Prof. José Luis Díez Ripollés
2. Perpetration and complicity. Attempt and inchoate offences. Mitigatins and Aggravating circunstances – Prof. María Soledad Gil Nobajas 
3. Evolution of the Spanish Criminal Law 
4. Basic Principle of Criminal Law
5. Perpetration and complicity
6. Case study on Terrorism – Atty Francis Tom F. Temprosa
7. Considerations of Corruption
8. Criminal Offenses against Property and social economic orders
9. Case study on Drugs
10. Youth Justice
11. Case study on gender 
12. Criminal Offenses against Property and
13. Crimes against public administration: specific consideration of corruption – Prof.  Marta Fernández Cabrera 
14. Criminal Law making policy – part 1
15.  Criminal Law making policy – part 2
16. Corporate liability ex crimine: EU standards, national solutions and “new” chapters of liability
17. Criminology: overview
SpeakersSee the list of speakers here.
More informationFor more details, access the link:

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