WORK PACKAGE 3: Activities Quality Plan

Regarding the work package 3, it is crucial to build a whole monitoring and assessment system which allows us to measure the quality of the project in order to achieve the goals already set.

For that reason, the activities mentioned in Work Package 3 are considered the most appropriate to achieve those results as they head to coordinate all the partner institutions to be involved in the quality control and they foresee a continuous monitoring on every work package of the project.

These activities are considered feasible because, even if they require a periodical effort from the partners, they guarantee the achievement of a suitable quality control. The methodology to do so is deemed also the most appropriate as it has the purpose to be clear and consistent since the very beginning of the project, in order to be affordable for every member to be implemented and ensure its success. The tool that will measure quality will be built taking into account the European standards on quality in the field of higher education and will be controlled by two independent expert groups, the Internal Quality Control Committee and TOQI, the external auditor.

Activity 3.16 – Accountability and assesment of project compliance with financial plans

This activity consists in the verification of the financial reports of the project. The goal is to check financial variance between the initial proposal for the project’s budget and its internal finacial reports. Every semestre Responsible for this activity: UMA UMA Partially implemented Expected Outputs8 internal reports Achieved Outputs4 internal reports

Activity 3.15 – Verification of the Final Financial Report

This activity consists in the verification of the financial reports of the project. The goal is to check financial variance between the initial proposal for the project’s budget and the final finacial report of CALESA. January 2024 Responsible for this activity: External Financial Auditor UMA To be implemented Expected Outputs1 external audit Achieved OutputsTo be …

Activity 3.15 – Verification of the Final Financial Report Read More »

Activity 3.14 – Accountability and assessment of compliance with the Project’s objectives / indicators

This activity consists in the constant monitoring and evaluation of the project’s implementation (activities, objectivces, goals, quality indicators, results) The goal is to audit the project in order to evalute its quality. Every 4 months Responsible for this activity: TOQUI UMA To be implemented Expected Outputs6 external audits Achieved OutputsTo be described

Activity 3.12 – Training of the leaders of the IQCC on indicators by NOVA

This activity consists in a training session conducted by trainers from University Nova de Lisboa. The subject of the training session is the development of indicators to be applied to the project. The goal is to train the leaders of the IQCC (UMA’s representatives) on the development of indicators to be applied to the project. …

Activity 3.12 – Training of the leaders of the IQCC on indicators by NOVA Read More »

Activity 3.11 – Quality Control and Risk Analysis Committe meeting

This activity consists in a meeting with the representatives of each partner institution that are part of the IQCC of the project. It will be implemented simultenously to activities 5.3 (Conference in Lisbon and Stering Committee meeting) The goal is to constantly monitor and evaluate the quality of project’s processes and outputs. Sept 2022 Responsible …

Activity 3.11 – Quality Control and Risk Analysis Committe meeting Read More »

Activity 3.10 – Regular Quality Control and Risk Analysis Committe meetings

This activity consists in conducting regular meetings with the members of the IQCC in order to plan, discuss, evaluate and redesign activities related to quality control and monitoring within the project. The goal is to constantly monitor and evaluate the quality of project’s processes and outputs. November 2020February 2021June 2021November 2021March 2022November 2022March 2023June 2023 …

Activity 3.10 – Regular Quality Control and Risk Analysis Committe meetings Read More »

Activity 3.9. – Monitor and follow-up on the implementation of the quality control plan

This activity consists in the continuous monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the quality control plan by partners. The goal is to constantly monitor and evaluate the quality of project’s processes and outputs. To be implemented throughou the project’s life. Responsible for this activity: IQCC UMA Partially implemented Expected Outputs10 internal reports Achieved Outputs4 …

Activity 3.9. – Monitor and follow-up on the implementation of the quality control plan Read More »

Activity 3.8 – Meeting with project members to disseminate Quality Control measures

This activity consists in a meeting conducted with project members in order to internally disseminate quality control measures and procedures to be implemented. The goal is to disseminate and train other project members on Quality Control measures and procedures within the project Jan/2021 Responsible for this activity: IQCC UMA Implemented Expected Outputs1 meeting 100% institutions …

Activity 3.8 – Meeting with project members to disseminate Quality Control measures Read More »

Activity 3.7 – Validation and Approval of CALESA’s Quality Control Plan

This activity consists in the validation and approval of CALESA’s Quality Control Plan. This is a project milestone. The goal is to develop a draft of CALESA’s quality indicators Dec/2020 Responsible for this activity: IQCC UMA Implemented Expected OutputsQuality Control Plan Achieved OutputsQuality Control Plan Find out more about CALESA’s Quality Control Plan