The University of Malaga, through the coordinator of Project Erasmus+ CBHE CALESA, CEIT-UMA, Grupo de Estudios historiográficos del Departamento de Ciencias de UMA and the Cátedra Asia of UMA, is organizing, on 2nd and 3rd November 2023, the International Convention on Philippine Literature in Spanish, which will take place in Malaga (Spain).
For more information, please access the website of the event: https://eventos.uma.es/103775/detail/congreso-internacional-de-literatura-hispano-filipina.html
The main objective of the Convention is to highlight the value of Philippine literature written in Spanish in order to emphasize its connection with the Spanish-speaking community and its relevance in the Asian context.
The event is part of Activity 2.3 from the CALESA project workplan, as it contributes greatly to enhance multilingual research capacity of the Partner Country HEIs through interest in and facility with Spanish.
The “International Convention on Philippine Literature in Spanish” will take place on 2nd and 3rd November 2023 at the Universidad de Málaga, in Málaga, Spain,
Thematic Axes
The conference is intended as a continuation of the International Symposium “Literature in Spanish in the Context of Hispano-Asian Studies”, which is based on the thematic axes that presided over the symposium:
– Books and travel diaries.
– Literary relations between the Philippines, Spain, Spanish America and the rest of Asia: chronicles of writers, embassies and cultural visits, reviews, literary criticism and correspondence.
– Hispanic origins of genres of Philippine literature in other languages: korido, komediya, drama, drama simboliko, etc.
– The genres of Philippine literature in Spanish.
Journalism: Spanish-language newspapers, their contributors and audiences. https://i.escrol.es/ILCYL/DOC/5B271034-9F94-4B88-D7113638D3EB64C6.PDF
– Networks of Spanish-language publishers and editors in the Philippines and Filipinos in the world.
– Representations of the Spanish-speaking world in Philippine literatures.
– Representations of “Asianness” in Filipino writings in Spanish.
– Reception of Filipino literature in Spanish in the world.
– The writing of biographical texts in the Philippines or about Filipinos, their hagiographic dimension and political intentionality.
Anthologies of Filipino literature in Spanish. https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/literatura_filipina_en_espanol/catalogo_titulos/
– Testimonies in Spanish of historical and cultural encounters and misunderstandings between Filipinos, Asians and Spanish speakers.
– Reading and reception of Asian literary works in Filipino writers in Spanish.
– Reading and reception of literary works in Spanish by Filipino writers.
– National and regional affiliations and appropriations of Filipino literature in Spanish (Asia, Spain, Spanish America, United States).
-The Philippine Conventions and their relevance to the study of Hispanic-Filipino literature http://revista.carayanpress.com/page149/congresosfilipinistas.html
The organization of the Convention aims at the participation of the main experts in the field in the Philippines, Europe and the United States. Among them, the following stand out:
Abad, Diego
Professor at Far Eastern University de Manila in the Philippines
Álvarez-Tardío, Beatriz
Profesora Contratada doctora de la Universidad Rey Juan
Baena Peña, Enrique.
Profesor Catedrático de Universidad de Málaga
Blanco, John
Profesor asociado de Literatura Comparada, Español y Estudios Culturales de la University of California. San Diego. EEUU.
Castellví Laukamp, Luis
Profesor de Estudios culturales españoles en la Universidad de Manchester, Reino Unido.
Chauca García, Jorge
Profesor Asociado de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Málaga.
Coráñez Bolton, Sony
Profesor Asociado de español en la Amherst University, Massachusett, EEUU. Latinx and Latin American Studies. Faculty Research Fellow, Institute for Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2021-22).
Elizalde, María Dolores
Investigadora Científica en el Instituto de Historia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
Figueroa-Saavedra, Miguel
Doctor en antropología social por la Universidad Complutense. Profesor de la Universidad Veracruzana, México.
Galeote López, Manuel
Doctor en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Granada. Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Filología Española, Italiana, Románica y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada de la Universidad de Málaga.
Gasquet, Axel
Profesor Catedrático de estudios latinoamericanos en la Universidad Clermont Auvernia e investigador principal del IHRIM (CNRS), Francia.
Gómez Rivera, Guillermo
Director y Académico de la Academia Filipina, correspondiente de la RAE. Autor en prosa ensayística y narrativa, poeta. Premio Casa Asia 2023.
Haba Montes, Esther
Doctoranda en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, Madrid
Hartwell, Ernest R
Profesor Asociado de la Western Washington University en EEUU, Doctor en Lenguas y Literaturas Románicas (Harvard, 2017) con especialización en historia, literatura y cultura latinoamericanas.
Martín Casares, Aurelia
Catedrática de Antropología de la Universidad de Málaga.
Mojarro Romero, Jorge
Profesor de Literatura en la Universidad de Santo Tomás de Manila (Filipinas) e investigador en el Research Center for Culture, Arts and Humanities
Ortuño Casanova, Rocío
Profesora de Literatura en la UNED y coordinadora del proyecto Erasmus+ DigiPhiLit de la Universidad de Amberes.
Penadés de la Cruz, Alberto
Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Sociología y Comunicación de la Universidad de Salamanca.
Peña Salarda, Wystan de la
Profesor de Lenguas Europeas de la Facultad de Artes y Letras de la University of the Philippines y poeta en lengua española.
Quesada Sánchez, Antonio J
Profesor Titular de Derecho Civil de la Universidad de Málaga y poeta.
Quijano Axle, Mario Roger
Académico e investigador en la Facultad de música de la Universidad Veracruzana, México.
Robert Sanchís-Álvarez
Estudiante doctoral en la Universidad de Virginia, EEUU.
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Ana
Profesora de Literatura y Cultura Españolas en la Universidad de Iowa, EEUU.
Rogers, V. Daniel
Profesor de español en el Wabash College, en Crawfordville, Indiana, EEUU, Director del Departamento de Humanidades y Bellas Artes de dicha Universidad.
Sinardet, Emmanuelle
Catedrática en la Universidad París Nanterre, Francia, de Historia y Estudios culturales latinoamericanos. Directora del Centro de Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos (CRIIA) – Unidad de Investigación UR Etudes Romanes.
Villanueva Romero, Diana
Profesora Contratada doctora del Departamento de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Extremadura. Profesora visitante de la Universiteit Antwerpen.
Call for Papers
As a way of stimulating the participation of Professors and Researchers from different institutions and amplify the debate and discussion around the topic among different academic communities, a call for papers is now open.
Instructions for the submission of proposals may be found below:
Deadline for submission of proposal/summary: 10 May 2023
Notification of acceptance of proposals: 30 May 2023.
Deadline for registration: 15 September 2023.
Each accepted proposal will require a 20-minute presentation to be given at the event.
Accepted papers will be submitted to a blind “peer review” process in order to be published in the CRISOL Journal (https://crisol.parisnanterre.fr/index.php/crisol/revuecrisol/)
Proposals and inquires about the event should be sent to: calesacbproject@uma.es
Download the programme of the Convention here.
Previous registration for the event is mandatory.
Registration will be available from 25/10/2023 to 01/11/2023.
To register yourself, please access the link: https://eventos.uma.es/103775/tickets/congreso-internacional-de-literatura-hispano-filipina.html.