The CALESA project continues to implement its activities and finishes the year of 2021 with exciting news on the implementation of 2 more activities from its workplan: two monitoring visits by its Coordinator to our partners in Lisbon and Bilbao.

On 29th and 30th November, Professor José Manuel Perea de Torres from the University of Málaga, coordinator of the CALESA project, visited NOVA School of Law in Lisbon and took the opportunity to meet with the Professors who will participate in the Project´s next face-to-face activities, which will take place in the Phillipines in May and June 2022. Such activities involve a series of 3 seminars and an International Conference to be held at the University of the Philippines.
The enthusiastic members of the NOVA team were very welcoming and showed great commitment to the project´s goals during the preparatory meetings conducted by Professor José Manuel, who made the most of his stay and shared his knowledge on the Filipino culture and on the importance of the project for the integration of Europe and Asia.

On 3rd and 4th December, the project coordinator visited our Spanish partner, Universidad de Deusto, in the city of Bilbao, where similarly fruitful meetings were held. While discussing and planning future project activities that will involve the participation of UDeusto´s Professors, the coordinator focused on the relevance of this capacity building project for the development of legal research in a collaborative manner between Euopean and Filipino legal researchers.

The visits were also an opportunity to monitor the implementation of past project activities and to strengthen the collaborative work between the institutions involved.