Seminar 2.4 – Regional Integration


This seminar is composed of two sessions focused on the study of study of ASEAN in its different competences and their relations with the Philippines. Likewise, the study of ASEAN will be broadened in conjunction with other regional integration cases such as the European Union, or the interrelation of the former on substantive issues in the universal sphere (UN).

The goal is to fill a gap in the different undergraduate and postgraduate syllabus in The Philippine Universities, which is the absence of a specific subject dealing with the study of ASEAN regional integration process, and International Organization of which the Philippines is a State member.

Session 1 – ASEAN and Regional Integration:
Shared Spaces and Important Issues

Universidad de Málaga (Spain) in collaboration with Ateneo de Manila
University and University of the Philippines

DateFrom: 27 – 30 Sept 2021
WhereOnline (UMA, AdMU, UP)
Target audienceJudges
Law and policy makers
Faculty and students of CALESA partner institutions
Other interested faculty and students of law
ProgrammeDownload the programme of the seminar
FeesThe event is free of fees.
Streaming (Access closed)
References for the seminar

Session 2 – Current Challenges and Common Values: Fostering Regional Integration within the ASEAN

Universidad de Málaga (Spain) in collaboration with Ateneo de Manila

DateFrom: January 30 to February 3, 2023
WhereAdMU –  Ricardo and Dr. Rosita Leong Hall Auditorium of the Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights Campus.
Target audienceJudges
Law and policy makers
Faculty and students of CALESA partner institutions
Other interested faculty and students of law
ProgrammeAccess the seminar webpage here.

Monday, 30 January 2023
Environment, Security and Health: A Comparison among EU and ASEAN Regimes

Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Disaster Management in the Philippines. Some reflections after the Covid-19 pandemic within the ASEAN context

Wednesday, 01 February 2023 – 
The Asia-Pacific, South China Sea, and Southeast Asia: A Global Region of Geopolitical Tension

Thursday, 02 February 2023
European Union-Asia Pacific: Working Together on Global Security

Friday, 03 February 2023
ASEAN Cooperation on Human Rights and the Philippine Position on Regional Initiatives and Key Issues
FeesThe event is free of fees.
StreamingNo streaming
1. European Union-Asia Pacific: working together on Global Security – Prof. David F. Rojo
2 Environment, security and health: a comparison among EU and ASEAN regimes – Prof. Maribel T. Cazrola
3. Disaster Management in the Philippines. Some reflections after the Covid-19 pandemic within the ASEAN context – Prof. Andrés Bautista-Hernáez

Seminar 1 – References

Below, find the references used as resources for the organization and planning of the teaching sessions.


Multilateral International Agreements

– Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Singapore, 20 November 2007, available at:

– Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, available at: 

– Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, available at: 

– Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations  (ASEAN) on Hosting and Granting Privileges and Immunities to the ASEAN Secretariat, available at: 

– Consolidated versions of the Treaty of the European Union and of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, available at:

Key documents guiding ASEAN-UE dialogue relations:

– ASEAN-UE Plan of Action (1028-2022), available at 

– Bandar Seri Begawan Plan of Action to Strengthen the ASEAN-UE Enhanced Partnership (2013-2017), available at

– Joint Statement of the 22nd EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Brussels, Belgium, 21 January 2019, available at


Archer, C., International Organizations, 4th ed., Routeledge, 2015. 

Conway, G., EU Law, Spotlights, Routledge, London, New York, 2015.

Kaczorowka, A., European Union Law, Routledge, London, New York, 2013

Klabbers, J., The Law of International Organizations, Elgar, 2015. 

Severino R.D., Thomson, E. & Hong, M. (eds.), Southeast Asia in a new era: ten countries, one region in ASEAN, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2010.

Storey, T. & Turner, Ch., Unlocking EU Law, Routledge, London, New York, 2014

Virzo, R., Ingravallo, I. & Blokker, N., Evolutions in the law of International Organizations, 2015, Brill-Nijhoff. 


Caballero-Anthony, M., “The ASEAN Charter: An Opportunity Missed or One that Cannot Be Missed?”, Southeast Asian Affairs. Singapore: 2008. p. 71- 85. 

Crone, D., “Southeast Asia in Search of an ASEAN Community: Insights from the Former ASEAN Secretary-General”, Pacific Affairs. Vancouver: Summer 2007. Vol. 80, Iss. 2, p. 402-403.

Curry, R.L.Jr., “Brick By Brick: The Building of an ASEAN Economic Community”, Pacific Affairs, Vancouver: Spring 2008. Vol. 81, Iss. 1, p. 142-144.

Green, D.J., “Bridging the ASEAN Development Divide: A Regional Overview”, ASEAN Economic Bulletin. Singapore: Apr 2007. Vol. 24, Iss. 1, p. 15-34.

Jayanthakumaran, K., Sanidas, E., “The complementary Hypothesis of Integration: regionalism, Multilateralism and the ASEAN-5”, The Asia Pacific Journal of Economics & Business, Jun 2007. Vol. 11, Iss. 1, p. 40-60.

Moeller, J.O., “ASEAN’s Relations with the European Union: Obstacles and Opportunities”, Contemporary Southeast Asia. Singapore: Dec 2007. Vol. 29, Iss. 3, p. 465-482.

Rarick, Ch. A., “Asean’s Progression Towards Common Market Status: Pitfalls and Policy Prescriptions”, Journal of Global Business Issues. Burbank: Summer 2008. 4 Vol. 2, Iss. 2, p. 229-233 

Robles, A.C. Jr., “The EU and ASEAN: Learning from the Failed EU-Mercosur FTA Negotiations”, ASEAN Economic Bulletin. Singapore: Dec 2008. Vol. 25, Iss. 3, p. 334-344.

Saravanamuttu, J., “ASEAN’s Diplomatic and Security Culture: Origins, Development and Prospects”, Journal of Contemporary Asia. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: 2003. Vol. 33, Iss. 4, p. 555-558.

Severino R.C., “ASEAN Beyond Forty: Towards Political and Economic Integration”, Contemporary Southeast Asia. Singapore: Dec 2007. Vol. 29, Iss. 3, p. 406-423.

– “The ASEAN Developmental Divide and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration ASEAN”, Economic Bulletin. Singapore: Apr 2007. Vol. 24, Iss. 1, p. 35-44.

– “ASEAN fusion: Southeast Asia’s future role in world affairs”, Harvard International Review. Cambridge: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, Iss. 4, p. 78-80.

Sheldom, S., ASEAN and Multilateralism: The Long, Bumpy Road to Community, Contemporary Southeast Asia. Singapore: Aug 2008. Vol. 30, Iss. 2, p. 264-292.

Wattanapruttipaisan, Th., “Priority Integration Sectors in ASEAN: Supply-side Implications and Options”, Asian Development Review. Manila: 2007. Vol. 24, Iss. 2, p. 64-89.

Yoshimatsu, H., “Collective Action Problems and Regional Integration in ASEAN”, Contemporary Southeast Asia. Singapore: Apr 2006. Vol. 28, Iss. 1, p. 115-140.

Yuzawa, T., “The Evolution of Preventive Diplomacy in the ASEAN Regional Forum: Problems and Prospects”, Asian Survey. Berkeley: Sep/Oct 2006. Vol. 46, Iss. 5, p. 785-804.

1927 Convention Establishing an International Relief Union, 12 July 1927 (League of Nations Treaty Series, volume 135) 

1966 Constitution of the International Civil Defence Organization (with Statutes dated 10 January 1958), adopted on 17 October 1966 (United Nations Treaty Series volume 985)

1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (UNTS vol. 1155)

1987 The Arab Cooperation Agreement Regulating and Facilitating Relief Operations (available at, accessed 28 January 2015)

1998 Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations, 18 June 1998 (United Nations Treaty Series volume 2296)

2000 Framework Convention on Civil Defence Assistance, 22 May 2000, (United Nations Treaty Series volume 2172)

Protocolo Adicional al Acuerdo Marco sobre medioambiente del MERCOSUR en materia de cooperación y asistencia ante emergencias ambientales, Puerto Iguazú 7 de Junio de 2004 

EU Legislation

European Union (EU) Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 17 December 2013, on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism [2013] OJ L 347/924

Bilateral agreements

1992 Protocol between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Portugal on technical cooperation and mutual assistance on civil protection done in Évora, 9 March 1992 (Spanish Official Journal n. 175/22547)

1995 Agreement on Joint Control of Forest Fire between China and Russia

1998 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Treatment of United States Armed Forces Visiting the Philippines, Manila 10 February 1998, entry into force 1.6.1999, T.I.A.S. vol. 12931, at

1998 Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines regarding the Treatment of Republic of The Philippines Personnel Visiting the United States of America, Manila 9  October 1998, entry into force 1.6.1999, T.I.A.S. vol. 12931, at

1999 Wildfire protection Agreement between the Department of Agriculture of the USA and the Secretariat for Environment Natural Resources and Fisheries of the United Mexican States for the common border

2001 Protocol of Intentions between the Government of the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines Concerning Cooperation and Disaster Prevention and Management, Washington 20 November 2001, at

2001 Wildfire Arrangement between the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture of the USA and the National Rural Fire Authority of New Zealand which is designed to create a regulatory framework enabling the Parties to request wildfire suppression resources from the other contracting Party

Ratification of the Intention’s Protocol between the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and E-Governance  between the General Secretariat for Civil Protection of the Hellenic Republic and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the USA on the cooperation in prevention and response to natural and technological disasters, signed 9 January 2001 (ratified by  Law 3073/2002 (Official Government Gazette 295A/ 4 December 2002))

2006 MoU between the China Earthquake Administration and the Italian Civil Protection Department on Cooperation in the field of Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Management

2007 Italy–France agreement which is applicable exclusively for events occurring in three Italian regions (Lombardy, Piedmont, and Aosta Valley) and in five French Departments

2007 Administrative agreement between Italy and France on transboundary co-operation in mountainous areas in situations of emergency

2014 Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on Enhanced Defense Cooperation, Quezon City 28 April 2014, entry into force 25.6.2014, T.I.A.S. vol. 14-625, at


Daillier P., Forteau M. and Pellet A., Droit International Public (L.G.D.J. 2009)

David Fisher, Law and Legal Issues in International Disaster Response: A Desk Study (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2007)

De Guttry A., Gestri M. and Venturini G. (eds), International Disaster Response Law (TMC Asser Press Springer 2012)

Fernández Liesa C.-R. and Oliva Martínez J.-D., El Derecho Internacional y la cooperación frente a los desastres en materia de Protección Civil (Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias 2012)

Harper E., International Law and standards applicable in natural disaster situations (International Development Law Organization 2009)

IFRC, World Disasters Report 2000, (IFRC 2000)

Contributions to edited books

Bautista-Hernáez A., “Recientes avances en la Regulación de la Unión Europea en materia de catástrofes: el Mecanismo de Protección Civil de la Unión / Recent Developments on the European Union Regulation on Disasters: The Civil Protection Mechanism of the EU”, in Daniel García San José, José Manuel Sánchez Patron and María Isabel Torres Cazorla (cords.), Bioderecho, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente/ Biolaw, Security and Environment (Tirant lo Blanch 2015)

Bautista-Hernáez A., “Cooperación Transfronteriza y Cooperación Internacional frente a las Catástrofes en las relaciones luso-españolas. Consideraciones en torno al Protocolo de Évora de 1992” in Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez, José Alberto Azeredo Lopes (Dirs.) María del Carmen Márquez Carrasco, María Isabel Tavares (coords.), Seguridad Medioambiental y Cooperación Transfronteriza. IV Encuentro Luso-Español de Profesores de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales (Atelier 2015)

De Guttry A., “Surveing the Law” in de Guttry A., Gestri M. and Venturini G. (eds), International Disaster Response Law (TMC Asser Press Springer 2012)

Torres Cazorla M.-I., “La Comunicación de la Comisión Europea de 2010: Nuevas Medidas para Mejorar la Reacción de la UE en caso de Catástrofe”, in Rafael Prieto Sanjuán and Jean-Marc Thouvenin (eds), Derecho Internacional y desastres: estudios sobre prevención y asistencia a las víctimas – Droit International et Catastrophes: études sur la prévention et l’assistance aux victimes – International Law and Disasters: Studies on Prevention and Assistance to Victims (Colección Estudios de Derecho Internacional, Nº. 14, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Universidad París Ouest La Défense, Grupo Editorial Ibáñez 2011)

Torres Cazorla M.-I., “Las catástrofes: una visión desde la regulación internacional y de la Unión Europea”, in Foro Para la Paz en el Mediterráneo. Actas de las VI Jornadas de Seguridad, Defensa y Cooperación. Estrategia Española de Seguridad y su Incidencia en el área mediterránea (Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico de la Universidad de Málaga (SPICUM) 2013)


Bannon V. & Fisher D., “Legal Lessons in Disaster Relief from the Tsunami, the Pakistan Earthquake and Hurricane Katrina” (2006) Vol. 10 (Issue 6) ASIL Insights, <>, accessed 28 January 2015

Davies S., “Natural Disasters and the Responsibility to Protect” (2012) Vol. 55 German Yearbook of International Law 149

Fidler, D.-P., “Disaster Relief and Governance After the Indian Ocean Tsunami: What Role for International Law?” (2005) Volume 6 Melbourne Journal of International Law 458

Fisher D., «The Future of International Disaster Response Law» (2012) Vol. 55 German Yearbook of International Law 87, 87-118

Fisher D., “The Indian Ocean Tsunami and International Law” (2005) Volume 9 (issue 3) ASIL Insights «», accessed 28 January 2015

Hanschel D., “Prevention, Preparedness and Assistance Concerning Nuclear Accidents-Effective International Legal Framework or Patchwork?” (2012) Vol. 55 German Yearbook of International Law 217

Kälin W., “The Human Rights Dimension of Natural or Human-Made Disasters” (2012) Vol. 55 German Yearbook of International Law 119

Kotzur M., “European Union Law on Disaster Preparedness and Response” (2012) Vol. 55 German Yearbook of International Law 253

Bratspies R., “State Responsibility for Human-Induced Environmental Disasters” (2012) Vol. 55 German Yearbook of International Law 175

Perkins R. and Neumayer E., “Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements: An Analysis of EU Directives” (2007) volume 7 (3) Global Environmental Politics 13

Reinecke I., “International Disaster Response Law and the coordination of international organisations” (2010) Volume 2 The ANU Undergraduate Research Journal 143

Shaffer G.-C. and Pollack M.-A., “Hard vs. Soft Law: Alternatives, Complements, and Antagonists in International Governance” (2010) 94 Minnesota Law Review 706

Thouvenin J.-M., “L’internationalisations des secours en cas de catastrophe naturelle” in (1998) 102 (2) Revue Générale de Droit International Public 327

Torres Cazorla M.-I., “Las Emergencias y Catástrofes como Riesgo para la Seguridad: una visión desde la perspectiva del Derecho Internacional Público a la luz de la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de Mayo de 2013” (2014) No. 92 mayo-agosto ICADE, Revista Cuatrimestral de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 77

Documents of United Nations

Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1997, vol. II Part Two, (1997)

A/RES/67/209 of 12 March 2013

A/RES/67/231 of 10 April 2013

A/RES/68/211 of 29 January 2014

Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Post-2015 Framework for disaster risk reduction, Zero draft submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Preparatory Committee (UN doc. A/CONF.224/PC(II)L.3)

UN doc. A/CN.4/668

International Law Commission, Report on the work of its fifty-eighth session), UN Doc A/61/10 (2006)

International Law Commission, Report on the work of its fifty-night session), UN Doc A/62/10 (2007)

International Law Commission, Memorandum by the Secretariat, UN doc. A/CN.4/590 (2007)

International Law Commission, Memorandum by the Secretariat. Addendum, UN doc. A/CN.4/590/Add.1 (2008)

International Law Commission, Memorandum by the Secretariat. Addendum, UN doc. A/CN.4/590/Add.2 (2008)

International Law Commission, Report on the work of its sixtieth session, UN doc. A/63/10 (2008)

International Law Commission, Sixty-sixth session, Texts and titles of the draft articles adopted by the Drafting Committee on first reading, UN doc. A/CN.4/L.831 (2014)


ECOLEX environmental law database:;DIDPFDSIjsessionid=315BA38A39BD616E24F47B02EB380040, accessed 28 January 2015

IFRC disaster law database, accessed 28 January 2015

COM (2011) 934 final, Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism)

Impact Assessment – 2011 review of the Civil Protection regulatory framework, accompanying the document Decision of the European Parliament and the Council on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism and on establishing a Civil Protection Financial Instrument for the period 2014-2020, EU doc. SEC (2011) 1632 final

ALAM, M., LEE, J. and SAWHNEY, P., Status of Climate Change Adaptation on Asia and the Pacific, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2019. 

BEHNASSI, M., GUPTA, H., POLLMANN, O., Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risks: Perspectives from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2019. 

DUPUY, P.M., VIÑUALES, J.E., International Environmental Law, Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 2ª ed.

HYNEK, N., STRITECKY, D., Regulating Global Security: Insights from Conventional and Unconventional Regimes, Cham, Springer Int. Publ., Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

LIM, M., Charting Environmental Law Futures in the Anthropocene, Singapore, Springer, 2019.

SUBRAMANGAN RAJU, A., Human Security in South Asia: Concept, Environment and Development, Abingdon, Oxon, New York, Routledge, 2020.

VOIGT, Ch., International Judicial Practice on the Environment. Questions of Legitimacy, Cambridge, UK, New York, USA, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2019. 

Contribution to edited books

DABELKO, G.D., “An Uncommon Peace: Environment, Development and the Global Security Agenda”, Green Planet Blues: Critical Perspectives on Global Environmental Politics, New York, London, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019. 

NOTARO, N., PAGANO, M., “The Interplay of International and European Union Environmental Law”, The Interface between European Union and International Law: Contemporary Reflections, Oxford, London, New York, Delhi, Sydney, Hart, 2019, pp. 151-178. 


SALAKO, S., “Climate Change, Environmental Security and Global Justice”, International Law Research (2017), vol. 6, n.1, pp. 119-131. 


European Union and Environment:

ASEAN cooperation on Environment: 

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