The Dissemination and Exploitation Committee is another internal body within CALESA’s management structure.

Composition and Functions
It is composed of one representative of each consortium partner institution and its main goal is to oversee dissemination and exploitation activities planned for the CALESA project and detailed under WP4 of its workplan, maximising the impact of project results and optimising their value and strengthening their impact, in a sustainable way.
Among its functions, we can include:
✓ Develop a Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
✓ Manage communication and information among all project’s key stakeholders
✓ Keep track of all the Dissemination and Exploitation initiatives and inform them to the Coordination so that project reports are duely updated.

Dissemination and Exploitation Committee’s meetings
The committee will hold 3 meetings every year in order to ensure the continuous dissemination and exploitation of the Project throughout its duration.

Main Outputs
The main outputs expected from the DEC are the following:
a) Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
b) Project Website
c) Project social media profiles
d) Four major international conventions (in Portugal, Dublin, Málaga and Manila).
e) Publication of books, training materials and research outputs