On 23rd February 2022, the Spanish-Filipino Cultural Association from Málaga was created with the goal to strengthen and foment cultural, educational, artistical, turistic, sporting and commercial relationships between Málaga and Andalucía in Spain and the Philippines.
Focusing also on contributing to the development of relationships between Málaga with Filipino communities in Spain, the Association will work to spread Professor Rubén Balane’s legacy, as he spent great part of his life encouraging and working on the restablishement of academic bonds (especially in the area of Law) between higher education institutions from the Philippines and from Málaga.
The Association is presided by José Manuel Torres – who is also the coordinator of the CALESA project -, which opens doors for the development of future collaborative actions between them, mainly regarding the sustainability aspects of CALESA’s activities and results.
To find out more abou the Association, click here.