5.24 – U.DEUSTO: Seminar/ Webinar on “Inclusion of the gender perspective in teaching”

This activity consists in a Seminar / Webinar / Conference on “Inclusion of the gender perspective in teaching”

Research on gender in the field of teaching has shown that gender bias is present in the classroom. For example, male and female students do not participate equally in the classroom, teachers may have gender biases when grading students, some teachers and students still use sexist language, etc. This activity aims to offer teachers tools to promote equality in the classroom (e.g. inclusive language, female references, blind evaluations, etc)
The objective of this activity is to build the multilingual legal research capacity of the Partner Country HEIs. especially in regard to transversal issues such as gender equality.
September 2021
Responsible for this activity: UDeusto
Bilbao, Spain
Expected Outputs
1 Dissemination event
Achieved Outputs