Activity 2.7 – Seminar on The Protection of Human Rights within a Context of Supranational Integration. The European Experience on Freedom of Speech. Protection of Indigenous Communities and Enviroment Rights. Human rights and the rule of law

This activity involves 3 seminars that will focus on the protection of Human Rights within a Context of Supranational Integration
The main goals of the activity are:
(1) To provide Philippines university partners with up-to-date knowledge of main legal interactions between supranational processes of integration and the protection of Human Rights, focusing on Europe and taking Freedom of Speech as a case study.

(2) Allow partners to offer a subject on regional integration and Human Rights in their syllabus, isolating valuable European experiences to be explored within the prospective Asian scenario.
Responsible for the activity: Professors Ángel Rodríguez Vergara and Felipe Gómez Isa

Ángel Rodríguez Vergara (UMA);
Pablo Sánchez-Molina (UMA):
Oliver Roales Buján (UMA);
Gaspar González Represa (UMA);
Felipe Gómez Isa (UDeusto)
Marie-Luce Paris (UCD)
Tiago Melo Cartaxo (UNL)
AdMU – Ateneo de Manila University
Seminars will focus on 3 main topics:

(a) Protection of Human rights within the context of supranational integration;
(b) The European Experience on Freedom of Speech;
(c) Protection of indigenous Communities and Environmental Rights
To be implented.
Expected Outputs:

1) 3 seminars
2) audience of at least 40 people
3) at least 70% attendees who respond the survey satisfied with the event, consider the activity as professionally useful and find that its ducational content correspond to the Philippines’ reality
4) Existence of communication efforts to provide event information to attendees
Achieved outputs:
To be described.

Find out more about this event and its outputs.

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