Activity 2.14 – Translation of Legal texts Spanish-English

This activity consists in the translation of 4 Legal Texts
The main goals of this activity are to contribute to the upgrading of the academic capacities of the Philippine partner institutions by providing them with reliable, high-quality translated materials on key legal subjects, which can help them develop and improve their legal research capacities and to build their multilingual research capacity through common interest in Spanish and English languages.
From 1.12.2020 to 1.12.2023
Responsible for the activity: José Manuel de Torres Perea (UMA)

A team of translators and reviewers will also be invited to join the implementation of this activity
Translated texts will be published in the Philippines
Most of the texts that could support the objectives of this activity are written in Spanish due to the remarkable parallelism between Philippine and Spanish legal texts. Also, there is a low number of Philippine jurists that master the Spanish language, so the translation of texts is an important tool to promote and accelerate legal research and the updating of private and criminal law in the Philippines.

These are the texts that we are initially going to translate thanks to Proyecto Calesa:
1 Obligations on Teoría general del Contrato and Teoría general de las obligaciones
2 Obligations on Contratos en particular; teoría general de los cuasicontratos and  teoría general del derecho de daños.
3 Introducción al Derecho Turístico
4 Propuesta de modernización del Anteproyecto de Ley de Modernización de obligaciones y contratos (Part of Spanish Civil Code). 

As the project develops, we will include new translations.
Partially completed
Expected Outputs:

4 translated texts
Achieved Outputs

1 translated book

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